
Let's Work Together

Fees & Forms



Mediations in California and the Southwest

Day rate

I charge a flat fee of $4500 for a one-day mediation which is expected to last approximately 8 hours. There is no additional charge if the mediation lasts longer than 8 hours for the purpose of finalizing a settlement.

My fee includes all time necessary to prepare for the mediation, including telephone calls and reviewing documents, and any follow-up conversations regarding resolution of the conflict.

Half Day Rate

For a half-day or four-hour mediation, I charge a flat fee of $2500 which includes all of the above-stated for a full-day mediation. If the half-day mediation extends to 8 hours, the fee is $4500. There is no additional charge if the mediation runs over for the purpose of finalizing a settlement. My fees remain the same if the mediation extends to a second day.

Mediations outside of California (Midwest, East Coast, South and Southeast)


I charge a flat fee of $5500 for a one-day mediation which is expected to last approximately 8 hours.  There is no additional charge if the mediation lasts longer than 8 hours for the purpose of finalizing a settlement.  The fee includes all of the above as if the mediation were held within California and the Southwest.


For a half-day or four-hour mediation, I charge a flat fee of $3500 which includes all of the above as if the mediation were held within California and the Southwest.


Additional Time, if Needed

If the parties request continuing services beyond what is outlined above, my hourly rate is $450 per hour, charged in quarter-hour increments.  There are no additional fees for incidental costs or other administrative services.


Retainers are payable in advance or at the start of the mediation. See Retention Agreements (on this page).


The parties will notify me in advance if there is fee-sharing, and if so, what percentage each party has agreed to pay. I will provide each party with an invoice showing payment for tax purposes.


The parties remain responsible for any fees charged by FINRA or any other forum, and for the costs of renting a mediation facility.

Small Cases (Under $25,000) 

Please contact me regarding rates for small case conflicts.  Under some circumstances, I may offer my services pro bono.

Further Questions

If you have any questions regarding my fees or services, please contact me.  



Forms & FAQs



Although I do not have personal facilities for mediations, if requested, I will assist the parties in making arrangements to find a suitable location to hold the session.


There is no charge for travel or accommodations anywhere within California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon or Washington State. 


There is no charge for cancellation. There is no charge for any incidental or administrative costs associated with the mediation. However, I do ask that if you believe the matter will settle without my services, please let me know that you are in serious negotiations to resolve your dispute.

There is no additional charge for travel or accommodations outside of California and the Southwest.  However, if the mediation is cancelled within 48 hours of the scheduled mediation and non-refundable or non-transferable airline travel expenses have been incurred, you will be asked to refund those expenses upon receipt of documents reflecting the non-refundable or non-transferable expenses.

PRO BONO Services

Non-profit and others: Contact Carole


Carole has a passion for mediation and the positive purpose it serves litigants and their lawyers where the issues are sensitive or emotional. Carole is especially skilled in successfully mediating matters where the parties are looking for a monetary settlement. When faced with impasse, Carole effectively uses her intellect, creativity and determination to move the parties toward a mutually-agreeable solution for early resolution through mediation.
— Peter Robinson, J.D., Managing Director and Professor of Law, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, Pepperdine University School of Law